A lot of times when we think of investing in ourselves, we may think it has to do with education or self-improvement but there is more to it. To truly invest in ourselves, there are things that we can do daily and create opportunities for us to be poured into. Let’s talk about a few ways that we can invest in ourselves now.
1. Delegate tasks. We often spend a lot of time on things that are not in our wheelhouse or that we truly don’t have time or passion for. It can waste a lot of time that we honestly do not have. If you don’t have time to clean your home the way you would like, pay someone once a month to clean it. Can’t mow the lawn? Don’t be afraid to delegate. Even things like your taxes or cleaning out your email inbox can be delegated. It’s not as expensive as you think and to be honest, your peace of mind and the task being done is priceless. Check out different resources like Fiverr and cleaning services to get these tasks off of your plate.
2. Save money for you. I discussed previously having a travel fund that I use to take quick trips or whatever type of travel I like to do. You should be paying yourself every time you get paid even if it is only $5 a pay. You can use those funds to splurge on you. We often get resentful paying bills and paying for emergencies because we didn’t think to add us to our budget. Want to purchase something expensive? Put money aside for it. You deserve your best so why not invest your money into you as well as your bills and future?
3. Include one hour a day dedicated to something for you. This could be working out, journaling, meditating, reading, or doing nothing. Your everyday routine should include you doing something to fill you up. I like to take long baths and read as a way to pour back into myself. Out of 24 hours in a day, you can find time to give to yourself. Investing your time in you is crucial to you, your relationships, and how effective you’ll be in everything you do.
4. Join a community that can pour into you. We need others around us who can pour into us, invest in us when we can’t do it, and have a place where we can just have fun. We need somewhere we can let our hair down without judgement and to have people to encourage us when it gets hard. It’s important to have somewhere to go that isn’t taking from you but actually giving to you. Community is how we grow, develop, and be better to ourselves.
If you are looking for something fun to do and want to join a community of wonderful and successful women, come join us for the Date Night Experience on May 13, 2022, at 8 pm EST. Each month our community, The Date Night Club, get together virtually for fun, networking, and tossing off the superwoman cape. This month’s theme is Wine Night so bring your favorite wine or beverage if you don't drink wine and prepare to have fun. No dress code and we meet for one hour. Click the link below to grab your ticket now!